Hello All! I realize I haven't been seen in these parts in a long while, but I finally remembered my old login information and thought I'd stop by and see how everyone is! I've really missed blogging about my life and about the many random things I think of and I've really really missed reading about my old friends!
In the spirit of reunion, here are some things that have happened since my last visit...
1. School -- I still love school and it still loves me! I've completed my first of three years in my Master's program, making me a Ma I guess. I've also maintained a 4.0 GPA! I even think I've found my thesis advisor, though I won't be starting on that for another year (which is good since she's in England for the next 13 months)
2. Job -- I actually got a promotion across campus and for a while, things were terrific. I loved the new job. However, after my boss "resigned" back in January, things have been steadily going down hill. I am not job hunting, again. So, if you have any spare fingers to cross for me, I'd appreciate it! 
3. Love life -- I still have one! I'm still with Zach and things are still going great. We will celebrate our 1 year anniversary on August 11. He's spending the week with me at the moment (he's on summer vacation -- high school teacher) and we're having tons of fun.
4. Pets -- My boyfriend calls me a crazy cat lady because I now have two cats -- Miss Kitty Fantastico (Kit) and Princess Avanovich (Ava). Don't ask me where Ava's name came from, because I have no idea. They are rotten little kitties, always making messes and knocking things over, but they keep me company during the week when I'm all alone.
5. Roomates -- I no longer have any, unless you count the cats. My roommate ran off in a huff in December, telling everyone that I'm too antisocial to live with. Sheesh, most people like a quiet roommate that stays in their room and stays out of their business, but not her. However, things have much improved for me now that she's gone. I actually feel like I live in my own place and not like I'm just staying with someone.
6. Friends -- Shower Guy and I are no longer friends. I'm not sure why, but he deleted me from his Myspace and Facebook which, we all know, means we are now mortal enemies or something. However, I have new friends with which to replace him, so I'm not crying.
7. Other -- I'm still going about my life as a Super Nerd, reading books, playing video games and quoting Lord of the Rings. However, I've added some normalcy to this as I now own a big LCD TV complete with Cable and a DVR! I love High Def! I even have surround sound. Now, I can nerd out in style! I am also going back to the novel I started so many many years ago. I think it has promise, plus it gives me something to do.
That's about all I have time for since I'm being a naughty elf and writing while at work. But what can I do? The boss is on vacation and I've got nothing to do!
I promise to try and read everyone's stuff, but I am a flighty elf these days, so there may be no try. (did you get it? If so, add +5 to your Nerd Points)
See ya!