Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
Sugar High Elf's Articles In Current Events
February 19, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
Link This is so sad. I hope this never happens to me. It seems hard to believe that over a year could go by before someone realized that this poor man was dead. If this is how he died, it makes you wonder how he lived.
February 26, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
Link Husband: "Ummm, honey? I wrecked the car." Wife: "You what?!? You better have a good reason!" Husband: "Ummm, yeah. I do. I was, ah, kidnapped. Yeah, I was kidnapped. That's what happened." Or not. Apparently this man from California decided to fake his own kidnapping so he wouldn't have to tell his wife that he had wrecked her car. Something is wrong with this picture. Either she is a major B**** or he is a major Dumba$$. What do you think, JU? I'll leave th...
April 17, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
In the past, major doors of each dorm were left open during the day so students could enter and leave their buildings freely without having to worry about pulling out their id cards to get into their dorms. After recent events, our campus has decided to lock all doors 24 hours a day. Students will now have to use their id cards to get into their buildings. The cards must be (and already are) programmed so that the card will only get the student into whatever dorm he or she lives in. If yo...
April 5, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
Did you know that you could go to jail for having tuberculosis? You can. If you are classified as a public health threat and be placed in a jail cell with special ventilation. Mandatory quarantine while being treated like a criminal. I won't waste time by cutting and pasting here, but you can find the articles at whichever site you prefer. -- Link CNN -- Link Next: By the end of 2007, all 50 states will be tracking AIDS patients by name. This was formerly done b...
March 16, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
Oh, the Chiquita Banana.... so wonderful in so many ways. It's full of potassium, it adds a little flavor to your smoothie, it offers a smile when someone slips on its peel. And now? Turns out it supports terrorism. From 1997 to 2004, Chiquita Banana company apparently paid 1.7 million dollars to a terrorist group for protection. They are now being charged 25 million by the US government. For more info: Link How, exactly, can the "War on Terror" ever be won if things such as t...
March 14, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
I remember "Don't ask, don't tell". I've heard people complain about gays in the military, and people complain about the people who complain about gays in the military. I've heard people give excuses to why gays should not be allowed in the military, but honestly? I don't understand. I am not in the military, so I don't know how that life is different from mine. I don't see why it would be a problem, but apparently it is. So, what's the deal? Can anyone explain it to me? Does homo...
May 3, 2007 by Sugar High Elf
I enjoy seeing different sides of issues presented here on JU. Most of you are more than willing to participate in an intelligent debate of facts and ideas. I don't often participate in these debates, but I do read them. That being said, I do, occasionally, ask questions of JU. This is no different. President Bush vetoed Congress' Iraq funding bill today because it contained what he called an "arbitrary date for beginning withdrawal of American troops without regard to conditions on th...