Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
I'm not worried tonight. I'm not angry. I'm not upset either. Tonight, I just miss him.

I've missed him all day, really. He called early last night but I missed his call because I was taking a bubble bath. I don't get to talk to him tonight because I worked late. Hopefully, I'll get to talk to him tomorrow.

I miss him a lot today. I wish I knew he would be home when I got off work. I wish I could crawl into bed, and cuddle up beside him. I wish we could curl up on the couch and watch a late movie.

I miss him so much, I wouldn't even mind the snoring.

I had several moments today where I thought, "Gosh, that's funny. I wish he were here. He'd get a kick out of that too." and all other sorts of little moments that I want to share with him.

Instead, I'll go curl up with my teddy bear, kiss my doggie good night and wake up alone in the morning. But tomorrow, I'm off work tomorrow and I'll be able to talk to him. And the sooner I go to sleep, the sooner that call will come. And I'm not waiting on it this time, but making it.

on May 27, 2006

Know exactly how ya feel.....

glad you get to see him tomorrow

on May 28, 2006
Aww I know that feeling of missing someone, it sucks big time! Yay that you get to speak to him tomorrow, and good for you for making the call . Hope you're feeling better chick x
on May 28, 2006
I actually prefer just missing him to what I've been feeling lately. It's a peaceful feeling, in all honesty. I am happy right now -- I love my job, and I have plenty of friends around me there's just this part of me that wishes he was here to share it all with me. It's not a sad feeling... I don't know how to describe it actually. At least I'm not worried about losing him anymore.

I love being a girl but jeez, I can be goofy sometimes!
on May 28, 2006
I've been alone for a long time. I understand the feeling all too well of missing someone you really care about and love dearly.
I've not had any of that for a very long time now and it hurts; it hurts bad.
on May 28, 2006
Sorry to hear that. Sometimes I think life would be easier if we weren't together... I wouldn't have to hate Sundays, there would be no arguments, no worry about the future, etc. but then I think about how much easier he makes life sometimes. I won't say happier because I was a happy, complete person before him and will be again should something happen. But, even in my happy, single stage, I did miss having someone in my life. I would tell you the best thing to do is to get to know and love yourself, but that's much easier to say than to do.

Good luck, no matter what happens.
on May 28, 2006
Aww I sure do know that feeling, and I'm happy to see that you are at peace with yourself now Hang in there chikka!
