Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
What's your Hobbit name?
Published on May 30, 2006 By Sugar High Elf In Fiction
I've been harping on my relationship for far too long. It's time to write about what I promised when I started this blog --nerdy stuff.

This is a link my old roomie and fellow Tolkienite sent me. I got a kick out of it and thought I would share.

Along the same lines, here is my favorite website for Hobbit and Elf name generators

Hope you enjoy! (If you like, look at my old article, Funny things to do in Lord of the Rings. You can't do them in a theater now, but they're still fun to annoy friends)

on May 31, 2006

My hobbit name is:

Esmerelda Foxburr of Loamsdown

thanks,  that was a fun one!

on May 31, 2006
My hobbit name is:

Ruby Moss of Lake-by-Downs

My elf name is:

Nessa Lindorie - (Lindorie means "Lady of Song" in elvish. Am I just a huge dork for knowing that?)
on Jun 01, 2006

Someone does not like Russia!

Elf Name: Camthalion Ancalimë

Hobbit Name: Ponto Knotwise of Michel Delving

That would be the Knotwise of the Knothead clan I guess.

on Jun 01, 2006
Your elf name, Camthalion, means "Strong Hand" from Cam - meaning hand and thalion meaning strong or dauntless

Ancalime is the masculine version of Ancalima which means "Long Light"

And that's a great hobbit name!