As a few of you might be aware, I have been working out, eating right and losing weight lately. I feel better, I look better, and things are going well. I don't mind it when people say things like, "Wow, you look good! Are you losing weight?" or "Hey, you look like you've lost weight." It's nice that people notice... but why is that the first thing they notice and the thing they think is most important?
I saw a friend recently that I have not seen in close to a year. Since that time I have completed my thesis, gotten into graduate school, fallen in and out of love, and a number of other things. I have also lost around 30 pounds. All my friend could talk about was how good I look and how much weight I have lost. The other things just didn't seem to be important.
Why is weight so important in our culture? I realize that there is a weight problem in our society and that weight loss and looking good seems to be on most people's minds, but why is that the only thing that seems to be worth discussing? Why is my weight loss a bigger accomplishment than a forty page thesis on mythology, archetypes and fantasy literature? Personally, I'd rather discuss the later.
And so help me, if one more person tells me that losing weight will help me "catch a man" I'm going to punch something!