Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
I almost believed in global warming
Published on April 10, 2007 By Sugar High Elf In Life Journals
It is cold and wet outside. I am lucky to have a large umbrella now, because I had to be outside a lot today. However, it is 9pm, and I don't feel like going back outside. I'm supposed to go to an informational meeting that has nothing to do with me, but might help me answer questions that my residents have -- of course, this means the residents didn't go to the meeting either, so I don't see why I should have to suffer for them if they aren't willing to suffer for themselves.

Unfortunately, this meeting is required, and I'm still sitting here in my pj's. If I don't go, I could get in real trouble. I like my boss, but I really don't want to go.

Damn. I just talked myself into going. See ya'll later.

on Apr 10, 2007
Get off yer ass, get dressed (or not) and go to work!

One of these days I'm gonna walk into a truck stop wearing PJs, a robe, and bunny slippers to order breakfast. So help me I am gonna do it.
on Apr 10, 2007
I went and, as predicted, it was worthless. Even my boss thought it was stupid. All the kids walked away saying, "Why did we show up to this?"

But, I won't get fired, so that's good. I even got dressed, but that's mostly because it's cold outside and I didn't want to freeze.

I must say, I didn't want to leave my room all day today. 40something degrees, rainy, windy... perfect day to curl up with a good book.
on Apr 11, 2007

Even my boss thought it was stupid.

But then you really did not do it for them.  You did it for yourself.  In a previous blog, you said you were maturing.  This is another indication you are.

on Apr 11, 2007

The boot was needed to get you out of bed?
on Apr 11, 2007
The boot was needed to get you out of bed?

Yup, I think I need one of those from time to time. Especially on cold, rainy days.

In a previous blog, you said you were maturing. This is another indication you are.

Yuck. You really think so? And I've tried so hard for so long to delay growing up.