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don't get dirty minded
Published on April 18, 2007 By Sugar High Elf In Life Journals
I went for some blood tests today to see what's wrong with me. (Yes, I know. There isn't a test or a cure for being a geek) The last time I had this done, the nurse who drew my blood poked me three times, wiggled the needle around and hurt me so bad I thought I was going to throw up, pass out or both. I ended up with a three inch bruise going down one side of my elbow and a four inch bruise going up the other side. It was big, scary, and it worried people.

However, I had to go and get the tests done again. (argh) I mentioned the last experience I had and the nurse said, "Well, your veins are really small. I think I'll use a smaller gauge on you." Sure enough, the tiny needle was able to hit my vein without causing it to explode. I only have a small red dot instead of two giant bruises. Of course, she wanted to know where the other giant bruises on my arm came from, and I had to admit that I have no idea. I don't think she believed me, but that doesn't really matter.

From now on, I'm asking for a smaller gauge any time I have blood work done. It was a much better experience.

I get the results back tomorrow morning. Then, we'll see if there's anything wrong with me. (besides the obvious)

on Apr 18, 2007
SHE, I have a similar problem with bruising, although I don't think it's as severe as yours.

I have a huge color-changing bruise inside my elbow from a week and a half ago when I went in for the whole kidney stone fiasco.

Butterfly needles (which if I'm not mistaken, can't actually be used for *everything*) are wonderful.
on Apr 18, 2007
I think my biggest bruising problems come from 1. my klutziness and 2. my fitful sleeping habits. I hurt myself in my sleep all the time. Just ask my ex... I'm pretty sure he got some bruises during the night. We started putting pillows between us to protect him and to keep him from cuddling with me. Of course, looking back, I'm not sure he didn't deserve a few more bruises...

Sorry about your bruise. Those are really not fun. This test is leaving a tiny bruise it looks like, but nothing like the last time.

I am a fan of the butterfly needle at this point. I've refused to go get my blood tests in the past because the needles are such a pain. If they'll do this every time, it won't be too bad.
on Apr 19, 2007
I have only had them "explode" my veins a couple of times (I give blood a lot).  Strange term for sticking a needle through a vein instead of in it.
on Apr 19, 2007
I certainly hope there's nothing seriously wrong with you. I can usually tell when my liver is malfunctioning because I'll begin to bruise if you even look at me has something to do with albumin and clotting factor and all that crap. Do you take a lot of NSAIDs by any chance? That can cause easy bruising too.

I try not to take ibuprofen very often... and the tylenol pm even less. However, it could help explain some of the bruising. Then again, I've been on so many meds in my life that have caused easy bruising, there's no telling what I've done to my poor veins.

I have only had them "explode" my veins a couple of times (I give blood a lot). Strange term for sticking a needle through a vein instead of in it.

It may be a strange term, but that's what it felt and looked like. I think the woman tore a pretty big hole because she kept wiggling the needle inside my arm. I wish I could get the pictures off of my old phone and post them. They're awful!

So, I got my results back today. There is nothing seriously wrong with me as far as they can tell. I wasn't quite anemic... but my iron was on the low side of normal. My recent red meat eating could have improved my levels before the test, so it is very possible that I was anemic. My thyroid is also normal... but borderline bad. My THS is listed as "normal-high" and was higher this year than last year. This means that my thyroid is slowing down, and my body is producing more THS to make up for it. While the APN said I do not need medication, my mother thinks otherwise. I'm sure that as soon as I get home from school, I'll find out she's made an appointment for me to see the family care provider. (Which means more blood tests. O joy)

Something is wrong with my ear... but then, something is always wrong with my ear, and I'm not going to worry too much about it. It hurts a little, but it "isn't infected" so there isn't much I can do.

So, other than being a klutzy nerd, needing to eat more red meat and getting my blood checked regularly, nothing is exceptionally wrong with me. It's about what I expected, and I am very, very, very happy to be right.