Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
Published on April 19, 2007 By Sugar High Elf In Life Journals
Most people call it "skipping class." I call it a "mental health day." Am I BSing to make skipping sound better? You bet. Does that make it any less true? Nope. Not at all.

After being my class' "punching bag" (my professor's words, not mine) on Tuesday, I decided not to go to class today. It's not that I'm avoiding confrontation... I would love to say a few more choice words to those brats... but I really don't need that much anger and stress today. I needed time to sit, be quiet, blog a bit, and be peaceful.

So, I'm taking that time. I went to my first two classes... mostly because they are my favorite English classes and I hate missing them. The Honors class just wasn't worth my time today. I'm tired of talking about privacy, and safety, and the Patriot Act and virtual crimes. I'm tired of the conspiracy theorists, the super liberals and the super conservatives. No one is willing to see a middle ground, and the "slipper slope" argument is both irrational and tiring.

Instead of all of this, I'm going to watch Star Trek TNG. It's much more interesting, and good for me.

I hope everyone's having a good day! I know I am.

on Apr 19, 2007
So which episodes are on today?

Besides, you are not skipping class - you are researching your Master's Thesis.
on Apr 19, 2007
Lore is back. Lore has teamed up with the newly diversified Borg and has taken Data under his wing by giving Data emotions.

I miss the days when reading fantasy lit was counted as "research". I still act like it is... but people don't buy it anymore.
on Apr 19, 2007
Enjoy your day.

Adrian and I used to skip class and go to the movies. Could be why I'm a SAHM now and not a lawyer, LOL.
on Apr 19, 2007
I woke up very early today to schedule for classes and go to my 8AM lab. I got out in about a half hour...perused the internet a bit and slept until about 2:30. I then skipped off to calculus and English and now here I am. I only had 4 hours of sleep last night, so I really needed a nap.
