Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
and it was totally worth it
Published on April 19, 2007 By Sugar High Elf In Life Journals
That's right. I am (or was) covered in blood, bruises and root beer. I have a black eye, cuts and bumps on my scalp, three bruised nails, plastic burns on my wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. I was also covered in root beer, water, pickle juice, sprite, dirt, sweat and dirt. And my stomach hurts from laughing so much.

You see, we had an "Honors Field Day" sponsored by our hall council. They rented a giant inflatable slide, a giant inflatable obstacle course, an inflatable water slide, cotton candy machine, and a snow cone machine. We had burgers, sandwiches, cookies, fruit, rice krispie treats, chips and a bunch of other food. We has frisbees, water guns, kites and volleyball.

A bunch of our residents came out and played, ate, and had a good time. The RAs refused to play "police" and acted just as goofy as the residents. Actually, we may have been worse. Eventually, the majority of the residents left... but a very fun handful (all of which I actually like) and the RAs were left. We started acting super goofy. We were all over the obstacle course -- which is where I got the black eye. I was at the top of the slide part, was pushed by one of the five people behind me, and landed face first into someone's knee. I'm not sure whose knee -- there were another seven people already at the bottom. We dog piled, and took pictures.

The burns and various bruises came from the slides. Going that fast, plastic burns. Anyone who went down a slide has at least one burn if not many more.

The head wound is the most worrisome. I was at the top of the giant slide. We had a variable congo line going. I was sitting down when someone bounced and I started to slip and slide down -- on my side. I rolled and rolled and flopped and again connected with other people. It must have looked bad because everyone kept asking if I was ok. I knew my head hurt, and I was stunned and dazed... but I didn't think too much about it. After I sat for a while, we continued to play. Eventually, I was soaked by water guns, hosed down with soda, and had pickles dumped on my head. I was sticky and smelly and laughing so hard I thought I would bust. I also gave as good as I got... those guys will think twice before messing with me again. (Or not, because we had a lot of fun)

I finally got back inside and prepared to take a shower. I was attempting to comb my hair out, when I noticed the read. Turns out, I have three or four gashes in my head from where I hit people after my flight down the slide. The soda had washed away most of the blood, but it was still there and clotted. The lump is beautiful as well.

Most people would not enjoy this many injuries, but I gotta say, they were each worth it. I'm a bit concerned now because, though you won't be able to tell it, it has taken me a lot longer to type this. I keep messing up with my typing. Fortunately, I have a spell check installed that makes sure I spell things correctly. I keep adding or leaving out or mixing up the letters. I hope I don't have a concussion. Doesn't matter if I do, it's still worth it.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 20, 2007
One of my "girls" just found out about the bleeding head. She's lecturing me, scolding me, and trying to "take care" of me. I do have some residents out there who like me... and I even had her boyfriend arrested! and she still likes me! and if she finds out I'm typing this, she's going to give me another black eye.
on Apr 20, 2007
I have hurt myself in the name of fun many times. I've fallen out of trees, thrown myself at walls, stepped on glass, fallen off various hurtling devices and broken various pieces of furniture. I don't remember the injuries. I do, however, remember how much I laughed and the fun I had.

Just think, everytime you accidentally touch the lump, you'll remember how you got it and how much fun you had getting it. Have you given it a name yet?

Have a wonderful weekend.
on Apr 20, 2007
Sounds like a great time!  And from recent articles, one you really needed!  The bruises will heal.  The fun memory will remain.
on Apr 20, 2007
Oh hon, sounds like you had a great time!

I echo whip's sentiment.
on Apr 20, 2007
Just think, everytime you accidentally touch the lump, you'll remember how you got it and how much fun you had getting it. Have you given it a name yet?

I got to remember the fun all night long. I've named the lump on my head Murphy and the black eye Susan. (I know it's not original, but it's my first black eye) I also get to retell the stories about how it happened every time someone says, "What happened to you?"

You're a freak!

Can't argue with that. I've already been called a masochist today, and I expect many more similar comments today.

Sounds like a great time! And from recent articles, one you really needed!

I did, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who did. All the RAs were cutting lose and acting like fools. It'll be a memory I treasure. (Pictures should soon follow)

Oh hon, sounds like you had a great time!

I echo whip's sentiment.

I did, and as "freakish" as it sounds, I'm grateful for every bump and bruise.
on Apr 20, 2007
(Pictures should soon follow)

Sounds exciting . . .
on Apr 21, 2007
You got your ass kicked by a slide?...Now that's a hell of a good time.

on Apr 21, 2007
You got your ass kicked by a slide?

And the saddest part is, this isn't the first time! Of course, this time I can blame it on 15 other adults playing on blow up slides and playing rough... and falling face first into people's elbows and knees. The last time, I had only myself to blame.

And, I might as well tell that story. I was barefoot with sandy feet, walking up a metal slide -- you know, walking up the part you're supposed to slide down on. I'm sure you can imagine what came next. I slipped, and my arm scraped along the outer lip of the slide. This left a six-inch bruise on my upper arm, and multiple bruises down my side. It was a very nasty bruise. I just laid there, holding my arm. My friends thought it was broken.

I earned my Queen of the Klutz People title and I have the scars, bruises and memories to prove it!
on Apr 21, 2007
Just for the record, no spelling errors to note, but a few grammatical errors that would have cleared spell check. LOL!
on Apr 21, 2007
Ugh. You're right. I just saw "read" instead of "red".

Please don't point out the others. It would hurt my fragile ego.
on Apr 21, 2007
You're crazy, girl! Glad you had a great time. Hope you're ok!
on Apr 21, 2007
Ugh. You're right. I just saw "read" instead of "red".

Please don't point out the others. It would hurt my fragile ego.

LOL, yeah. I wasn't going to say anything except for your mention of the topic. I think you probably did ding yourself to be a little "off your game", as these are NOT normal characteristics. It's all good, though.
on Apr 21, 2007
Here's a little something to help you laugh through the pain.

Spell Checker (author unknown, there are many versions of this floating around)

Awesome! My psychology professor had this posted on her office door, and I always meant to find a copy of it. Thanks for saving me the trouble. If I get my assistantship, I plan to print this out and hand it to my Freshmen Comp classes.

as these are NOT normal characteristics.

That's reassuring. Thanks. As I reread the article, it sounds a bit... rambling and odd. Of course, looking at my head, turns out it is worse than I thought. There are more and bigger cuts than I thought at first. The lump is about the size of the palm of my hand. Oops.

You're crazy, girl! Glad you had a great time. Hope you're ok!

The one thing I will never claim to be is sane. Fortunately, there are no permanent injuries, so I'm just fine. Unfortunately, I can't pursue the "American dream" of getting rich quick by suing the University or inflatables company because I signed a waiver. *sigh* It would have been nice to go through grad school without taking out loans or working a second job...
on Apr 21, 2007

That's reassuring. Thanks. As I reread the article, it sounds a bit... rambling and odd. Of course, looking at my head, turns out it is worse than I thought. There are more and bigger cuts than I thought at first. The lump is about the size of the palm of my hand. Oops

Now that you're awake, the one that threw me was "variable" instead of "veritable". I KNEW you weren't totally on your game when I read THAT one.

on Apr 21, 2007
Sounds like a good time to me. Some call them injuries, I call them medals.
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