Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
and I'll probably deserve it
Published on April 20, 2007 By Sugar High Elf In Life Journals
My friend is having her Senior Recital tonight and I'm not going. I told her I would go, but truth is, I never really intended to. I lied, basically. I hate that kind of music -- opera, classical -- especially when sung by a high soprano. She has a beautiful voice, but the high loud notes hurt my ears. (Literally. I have some damage to my inner ears, and they can't handle loud or high pitches)

They don't know I'm not coming yet. I really don't know what I'm going to tell them when they ask why I wasn't there. I'm sure I'll come up with some excuse... but I don't know what just yet.

I also don't want to go sit with my friend and her fiance. She's been such a downer lately, and I can't take any more of it. I was in pain this morning, but I couldn't have been in a better mood. Last night's frivolity was still fresh in my mind and I was happy. I start talking to her, and all she can do is make fun of me, complain about having to stay up and work on a paper till 4am (not that she couldn't have written it earlier or anything) and how made she was at this person and that. I really can't listen to any more of that. Really. Can't.

Plus, I'm craving Taco Bell now thanks to reading my brother's article. So, obviously, I will not be around when the recital begins. Then, I need to go look for toad suck daze shirts.

Later all.

on Apr 20, 2007
Enjoy your Taco Bell.

Also, wish I could think of a cool excuse to help you back out of the recital, but I can't.

Oh, it is: You ate Taco Bell for dinner and started to have a stomachache....

That might be believable.
on Apr 20, 2007
Woud you believe I can manage a soprano level if my throat cooperates? It's pretty strange to see a guy like me pull that off. I do enjoy a good opera and classical music is nice. You kids these days(so what if you have 4 years on me?) respect for the classics.

I'm sure you can come up with something to get out of it....and now I'd like some tacos...but I'll be damned if I'm going to run all the way uptown to find a Taco Bell. ...

I too have to write a paper and I'm going to bitch the whole time.

Well, I should start reading again...

on Apr 20, 2007
Actually, the Taco Bell food has hurt my stomach, so I won't actually be lying. How wonderful is that?

I'm sorry, but I could never enjoy opera. Especially not with my ears. How I managed to be a music major, without liking opera or choral music, I'll never know.

I have four papers due next week and finals the next week. If I wait until the last minute to write them, I don't sit around and bitch about it. I may kick my own butt for putting the papers off so long, but I don't bring everyone else talking about it. It's her own fault, and I have no pity. Especially when I know what she's been doing with her time. Looking at wedding dresses and planning parties with her sorority are not good enough excuses.

Damn. Now I'm sounding as bitchy as she is. I guess I should get to work as well. I should be able to knock out at least 2 if not 3 of these papers this weekend.
on Apr 21, 2007
I told her I would go, but truth is, I never really intended to. I lied, basically. I hate that kind of music

tut tut

good luck getting yourself out of the hole you dug for yourself
on Apr 21, 2007
At least I can admit I lied.

Does that get me some points? Being honest about lying? I could have told myself, "I was going to go, but now I don't feel like it."

Oh well. I keep telling myself that I don't own anyone any explanations.