was she just trying to be mean and hateful?
I was sitting with a group of friends (all girls) and we were talking about things that had happened to us in the past. One girl admitted to being raped by her ex boyfriend. This was a very sensitive subject -- one that requires tact and, preferably, sympathy. She told her story, and we listened respectfully and then told her how sorry we were that this had happened.
At least, most of us. One girl, one lacking tact, said, "Did you report it?" "No." the first girl answered. "I was too ashamed. I felt guilty. I didn't feel like I could tell anyone." That's understandable. It would have been better had she reported it, and she might even feel better now, but the damage is done, and it is too late. Except, Jerk Girl wouldn't drop it. "Don't you worry that he could be doing the same thing to other girls right now because you didn't stop him?"
That floored me. This girl is admitting to being raped. She's told us how it happened, and given reasons for not telling anyone. They aren't perfect reasons, but (as far as I'm concerned) perfectly reasonable ones. She was young, scared and ashamed. Yet here, now, when she's finally able to face what happened to her, she gets attacked yet again.
Psychologists say that rape victims can suffer from PTS syndrome. They can relive the rape at any time. I have no doubt that this young lady had relived her rape, even as she told it to us. Yet here she was, being attacked all over again.
I couldn't believe it. I understand that it sucks that justice was not done. I'm sure she'd like to see his ass in prison as well. However, statute of limitations has run out, and she realizes that her case would be nearly impossible to try and impossible to win. Her word against his? She didn't scream, she didn't fight. She said no, and that's all that matters. Yet, here's someone else making her feel guilty for what happened!
Is this common? Do other people make the victims feel like they're responsible? Do other people attempt to guilt them into action? Do other people make them feel worse when they're actions don't result in a punishment? Is she responsible for any future rapes he commits? Should she feel guilty for not 'putting him away' because she was too ashamed and scared to admit what had happened? She didn't tell anyone for over five years... surely that says something about her ability to face what had happened to her.
I was surprised at this person's reaction to another person's story. It felt wrong, but I wonder if she had a point that others would understand. So, I figured I'd take a poll of JU and see if anyone can explain it to me.