So, after I was thinking that I am a loser because the secretary job never called me back, I finally heard back from them. They've narrowed the pool to three choices... and I'm in the top 3! I go back for a second interview on Monday around 10:30. Then, on top of all that, I got a call from another department on campus, and they want to interview me on Monday at noon! So, I went from feeling like a loser, to having a second interview and an interview at another department. I am, needless to say, very excited and very happy right now.
I am also asking for whatever good vibes, good luck or prayers you can spare. Or, if you can't spare any of that, but you have some advice, I'll be happy to take that as well.
Maybe this is the upswing I've been waiting for. Life has generally sucked since last July, and I'm ready for things to start going my way. I know it doesn't always work like that, but come on! Something's got to give! Who knows? Maybe I'll even get lucky in the romance department... but right now, I'd rather have the job. (Or, a very rich sugar daddy who wants nothing more than to take care of me. But that's risky.)