When we are little, we are given Disney movies to watch, where the woman finds happiness by finding a man. We are taught that happiness and completion comes from having a boyfriend/husband. We begin to measure our self worth by how many dates we have, what kind of relationship we are in etc.
We are shown that sex sells. We are given Madonna and Britney Spears as role models. We are told that in order to get a man (and thus find happiness) is to have sex with him. We see Samantha and Carrie living it up, and think that is what we are supposed to be like.
Our schools are forbidden to tell us about birth control methods. We are taught an "abstinence only" education. We are denied information. Our parents are still uncomfortable talking to us about it, and we are too unsure to ask.
We are sold cosmetics, hair dye, teeth whiteners, hair gel, bikini wax, diet pills, anti-wrinkle cream, lip sticks, self-help books, exercise videos and scary looking tools to make us beautiful. We are told that beauty is only skin deep, and you can buy that skin at $19.95 a bottle. We hear that beauty is pain and starve ourselves to feel that pain.
We are denied health care. The insurance won’t cover it, the pharmacist won’t fill it. The government tells us that we can’t get rid of the baby, but they won’t help us pay for it either. They tell us that we can give it up, but they tell us that’s an motherly thing to do. They say that the man should help pay for it, but they won’t make him pay. Some tell us we are bloodsuckers killing the man who knocked us up.
They won’t let us stay at home… you’re just being lazy. They won’t let you work…. You’re a bad mother. You have to have it all, be it all, do it all and still look great doing it.
We are whores or prudes. We are workaholics with no natural instincts or soccer moms who aren’t worth much.
We are women.