Mostly about Fantasy genre: Special emphasis on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Deed of Paksennarion. Music, poetry and random ramblings. Actually, anything is up for grabs. Probably not politics, but everything else is fair game. Please ignore al
When we are little, we are given Disney movies to watch, where the woman finds happiness by finding a man. We are taught that happiness and completion comes from having a boyfriend/husband. We begin to measure our self worth by how many dates we have, what kind of relationship we are in etc.

We are shown that sex sells. We are given Madonna and Britney Spears as role models. We are told that in order to get a man (and thus find happiness) is to have sex with him. We see Samantha and Carrie living it up, and think that is what we are supposed to be like.

Our schools are forbidden to tell us about birth control methods. We are taught an "abstinence only" education. We are denied information. Our parents are still uncomfortable talking to us about it, and we are too unsure to ask.

We are sold cosmetics, hair dye, teeth whiteners, hair gel, bikini wax, diet pills, anti-wrinkle cream, lip sticks, self-help books, exercise videos and scary looking tools to make us beautiful. We are told that beauty is only skin deep, and you can buy that skin at $19.95 a bottle. We hear that beauty is pain and starve ourselves to feel that pain.

We are denied health care. The insurance won’t cover it, the pharmacist won’t fill it. The government tells us that we can’t get rid of the baby, but they won’t help us pay for it either. They tell us that we can give it up, but they tell us that’s an motherly thing to do. They say that the man should help pay for it, but they won’t make him pay. Some tell us we are bloodsuckers killing the man who knocked us up.

They won’t let us stay at home… you’re just being lazy. They won’t let you work…. You’re a bad mother. You have to have it all, be it all, do it all and still look great doing it.

We are whores or prudes. We are workaholics with no natural instincts or soccer moms who aren’t worth much.

We are women.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 05, 2005
Before (if) I get attacked, let me say this. Men get the short end on other things.... but this isn't about you. This is my feminist rant!
on Apr 05, 2005
on Apr 06, 2005
you mentioned how Disney's always the happy ending so I thought I'd post this link which is somewhat humerous. It's a list of reasons why he's convinced that Disney has a conspiracy against the family unit.
I laughed at the Snow White necrophelia bit.
on Apr 06, 2005
You Go Girl!!!

What you are experiencing (From this naturally sexist; male chauvenist; having a penis, so allowed no opinion's opinion), is the natural outcome of a society that asks "what do women want", instead of asking, "what do you want".

I think anytime any demographic has a few of its vaunted members "speaking for" the rest, you get a false view.

What's ironic is, I have been called "sexist" for anwering the question, "what do women want" with, "I don't know, why don't you ask her". Strange, I thought that was a fair answer. As far as "Disney" goes, it seems in their world (no matter what the purpose or topic of the old fairy or folk tale was originally) girl can't be complete or happy without guy, and guy can't get girl without some magical third party getting involved! ;~D
on Apr 06, 2005

Great link!!! I'm debating on whether or not to show it to my Disney obsessed friend.

I think you're right ParaTed, but I think it also comes from people answering that questions, as well as asking it. Women keep getting told how to act, dress, behave etc., and it all conflicts.

Hey, feel free to write one for the guys!
on Apr 06, 2005
She hated the link, which means it's really funny!!
on Apr 06, 2005
SHE: This was a brilliant should have been featured. Amen, amen, amen...
on Apr 06, 2005
Haha... I get featured for random junk... and they miss it when I write something intelligent. It rarely happens, so I understand how it could be missed. Thanks Tex
on Apr 07, 2005

There were too many "they's" in there.  I think that 1) you care too much what people think and 2) women are just as guilty (if not more so) than men are.

I have never felt like I needed a man.  I want my husband, but I didn't "need" to get married.

The problem that I see with your "feminist" rant (which is really not "feminist" at all) is that you make it sound like society forces you to be a certain way.  It's not true.  If women truly wanted to change, then they would. 

The feminist movement got women into the workforce, now women are complaining about.  Either they say that people see them as lazy for staying at home, or that they "have" to work.  Neither is true. It's just justification.

You should also read into some of the statistics on female "beauty".  More women criticize other women than men do.  Women care much more about vanity than men do.  Women, in reality, have caused their own problem.

When asked what makes a women sexy, most men will not describe a runway model.  They won't describe the fake, starved to death, bleach-blond, boob enhanced bimbo.  They describe a healthy women who is comfortable with herself and confident, and who is more than "just a pretty face". 

Women keep getting told how to act, dress, behave etc., and it all conflicts.

Who are the people who keep telling "women" those things?

I don't care what people think about my life, and I never did.  I also don't tell my daughter to act a certain way.  She just does what she does.


on Apr 07, 2005
Hahaha... this leads to my next article, and one I should have written sooner, because I completely agree with you Karma. "The [insert person to blame] Made Me Do It!"

But, for a preview, we are being told this by magazines, tv, movies, books etc. but that doesn't mean we have to listen. We have become a society that does not want to accept personal responsibility. (this is a generalization) Spill hot coffee on yourself? Sue, becuase you didn't know it was going to be hot. Are you fat? Sue, any fast food chain will do. Abuse some form of overcounter drug despite the warnings? Sue, because they don't actually expect you to read those, do they?

Also, I told ParaTed to write one, because guys get the short end just as much... I just don't have enough insight to write one.
on Apr 07, 2005

But, for a preview, we are being told this by magazines, tv, movies, books etc.

The problem is, a lot of people who are doing the telling are women.  And, I agree, people don't like personal responsibility.  We are a society that likes to justify our actions on an outside source.

on Apr 07, 2005
The problem is, a lot of people who are doing the telling are women.

Good point... we're just as guilty for making ourselves feel guilty as any magazine or movie.
on Apr 08, 2005
Wait a minute, before we go bashing Disney..."Mulan" seemed to make out okay without a man. And Cruella De Ville in "101 Dalmations" is pretty feminist. And how about Bambi? No guy there! And for that matter, how about Bambi's mom? Okay, she turned out a little bit dead, so maybe that's not the best example.
And you have Mary Poppins. Bert the chimney sweep put his best moves on the nanny, but she got along just fine and was completely fulfilled without male companionship.
Then you have the Disney TV show, Kim Possible, which features a girl who needs a guy about as much as I need a fourth nipple. (Don't ask.)
Now if you wanted to argue that Disney movies are biased against anyone with an I.Q. over 40, now I'd have to go along with that...
on Apr 08, 2005
altho i initially checked out your article cuz the title seemed to offer irresistable potential for a suggestive comment (at my own expense), after reading it, i can't bring myself to complain bout women who gossip about me.

with that outta the way, each of your points seems to ring true to me. some time ago while trying to figure out why--unlike a lotta guys of a certain age--i so much more preferred the company of women of a certain age (for purposes of argument, let's say 30 on up)--it occured to me that it took about that long for most women to realize how badly they'd been scammed in all the ways you've listed for starters. if that realization leads to anger, there's a good chance the woman in question will decide she's had enough of that crap and resolve to start doing what she wants to do. unfortunately there are also women for whom all that seems just too daunting so they just keep eatin shit and getting older.

although it dont come anywhere close to what your post deserves, you gotta insightful from me.
on Apr 08, 2005
you wanna see some classic disney desecration, try googling for former disney illustrator wally wood's depiction of what really goes on in the magic kingdom (originally published in the realist--and the reason he and disney parted ways) i know it can be found online but i gotta run for a bit.
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