As you may or may not know, I decided to get back on the online dating websites. I've gotten some winks and some messages... but most are from guys too far away, too old or just not my type. However, it was nice and a bit of a confidence booster. But then, this guy winked at me. He was cute, tall, seemed to be a close to my type. So, I winked back. He went back through my profile, found my hint about my xanga and messaged me. I emailed him back, and now we're instant messaging. So...
Since I moved, I decided to get back on the online dating sites. I had taken myself off of them last February, since I didn't really have time (and I thought I had possibly met someone). Now, I have free time and no one in my life, so I thought I would try again. So far I've gotten winks and messages from men who are too old, too far away or a severe dislike of grammar and punctuation. Obviously, they're not reading my profile. Such a shame, really. My father's suggested I join so...
As some of you may know, my love life has had a rocky past. If you don't know that... well, you aren't missing much. In fact, you might want to stop now and avoid getting sucked in. It's not pretty here. Well, after Jerks 1 & 2, I've been more cautious about guys. Lately, though, I've been talking to this one guy. From what I know about him, he's perfect. By perfect, I mean he's a total nerd and he's funny and smart. His nerdiness might equal my own. But, well, he's also been l...
For anyone keeping up with my life, you might remember my attempt at Internet dating. You might also remember that I actually met someone that I have enjoyed talking to. You might also be aware that I made a wish list to Cupid, and I am happy to report that, thus far, Zach (that's his name) meets every single one of my requirements. Recap: 1. I want a man. He has a real job. He is a teacher. He seems mature, honest... just what I asked for. 2. I want a man with a sense of humor....
I am sad. So sad. I have had my heart broken. I don't get to watch House M.D. for THREE WEEKS! Why would they do this to me? I need my House! I'm addicted to him like he's addicted to those pills. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now! Seriously, the old man has let me down. I'm not sure if he's interested or not. I'm trying not to be a princess. I don't expect him to call every day. I really don't. However, he said he would call, and he didn't. He stil hasn't for that m...
A while back, I wrote an article about finding love online: Link since that time, I have been talking with a very nice young man. So far, he has proven to be funny, smart, witty, handsome, and an absolute dork. He is everything I asked Cupid for. We've spoken for hours upon hours. Long emails and even longer phone conversations have led to a desire to meet. But man am I nervous. I know he's waiting for me to say, "Ok, it's time to meet." because he's told me that he wants to m...
Since my breakup with the guy I thought I would end up married to, I've been making sure that I am ok. I wanted to make sure that I knew who I was and that I had my life straight before jumping back into a relationship. There's also the small matter of being older than everyone around me. (I'm a fifth year senior and there are few of us) Recently, however, I have felt "ready" to get back in the game. I told my friends to be on the lookout for single guys that I might be compatible with...
I had planned to go to bed early tonight. I hadn't slept well last night and I was going to take a sleeping pill around 8:30, go to sleep and not wake up until I had to to go to work tomorrow. Everything was going according to plan. I got off work at 7, made it home by 7:15. My roomies were home, so I started talking to them. As I rounded the corner to go to my bedroom to change clothes, I saw someone standing in the doorway to the bathroom. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -- Oh my God, it's my ...
I had a good relationship, and I still love the guy. But we're hitting some rough water and I think he's ready to leave the sinking ship. It's been a few weeks since things went downhill. He was "tired" all the time and never really wanted to talk. Of course, he didn't call me until after 11:00 pm every night because he was hanging with his friends. I waited up every night, sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. When it finally did, I had to carry the conversation. This isn't n...
Before I get struck down by God, or conservatives, allow me to explain the title of this article. I am in a long-distance relationship, as anyone who's read my blog lately knows. This weekend was our six-month anniversary and we had a great time. We had to go to two graduations, but there were so many of our friends graduating that we really needed to go. He went out last night to party with some of his friends while I stayed in my dorm on duty. He came in at 4am, very tired. He crawl...
Yeah, that's right, I'm back. I'm not sure why, but I've missed writing. And I've missed some of the people on here. A lot has been going on. Since my last article my senior year has come and gone. I should be graduating, but one of the side effects to changing your major so often is that you have to spend extra time in college. That's quite all right though, I wasn't really ready to enter the real world anyway. I recently had a car accident on my way to Jonesboro. I glare at ever...